\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE/blob/master/LICENSE)\n */\n!function (e, t) {\n \"object\" == typeof exports && \"undefined\" != typeof module ? t(exports, require(\"jquery\")) : \"function\" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([\"exports\", \"jquery\"], t) : t((e = \"undefined\" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).adminlte = {}, e.jQuery);\n}(this, function (e, t) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n function a(e) {\n return e && \"object\" == typeof e && \"default\" in e ? e : {\n default: e\n };\n }\n var n = a(t),\n i = \"CardRefresh\",\n o = \"lte.cardrefresh\",\n l = n.default.fn[i],\n s = \"card\",\n r = '[data-card-widget=\"card-refresh\"]',\n d = {\n source: \"\",\n sourceSelector: \"\",\n params: {},\n trigger: r,\n content: \".card-body\",\n loadInContent: !0,\n loadOnInit: !0,\n loadErrorTemplate: !0,\n responseType: \"\",\n overlayTemplate: '
',\n errorTemplate: '',\n onLoadStart: function () {},\n onLoadDone: function (e) {\n return e;\n },\n onLoadFail: function (e, t, a) {}\n },\n f = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n if (this._element = e, this._parent = e.parents(\".card\").first(), this._settings = n.default.extend({}, d, t), this._overlay = n.default(this._settings.overlayTemplate), e.hasClass(s) && (this._parent = e), \"\" === this._settings.source) throw new Error(\"Source url was not defined. Please specify a url in your CardRefresh source option.\");\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.load = function () {\n var e = this;\n this._addOverlay(), this._settings.onLoadStart.call(n.default(this)), n.default.get(this._settings.source, this._settings.params, function (t) {\n e._settings.loadInContent && (\"\" !== e._settings.sourceSelector && (t = n.default(t).find(e._settings.sourceSelector).html()), e._parent.find(e._settings.content).html(t)), e._settings.onLoadDone.call(n.default(e), t), e._removeOverlay();\n }, \"\" !== this._settings.responseType && this._settings.responseType).fail(function (t, a, i) {\n if (e._removeOverlay(), e._settings.loadErrorTemplate) {\n var o = n.default(e._settings.errorTemplate).text(i);\n e._parent.find(e._settings.content).empty().append(o);\n }\n e._settings.onLoadFail.call(n.default(e), t, a, i);\n }), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"loaded.lte.cardrefresh\"));\n }, t._addOverlay = function () {\n this._parent.append(this._overlay), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"overlay.added.lte.cardrefresh\"));\n }, t._removeOverlay = function () {\n this._parent.find(this._overlay).remove(), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"overlay.removed.lte.cardrefresh\"));\n }, t._init = function () {\n var e = this;\n n.default(this).find(this._settings.trigger).on(\"click\", function () {\n e.load();\n }), this._settings.loadOnInit && this.load();\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n var a = n.default(this).data(o),\n i = n.default.extend({}, d, n.default(this).data());\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this), i), n.default(this).data(o, \"string\" == typeof t ? a : t)), \"string\" == typeof t && /load/.test(t) ? a[t]() : a._init(n.default(this));\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", r, function (e) {\n e && e.preventDefault(), f._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"load\");\n }), n.default(function () {\n n.default(r).each(function () {\n f._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this));\n });\n }), n.default.fn[i] = f._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[i].Constructor = f, n.default.fn[i].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[i] = l, f._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var u = \"CardWidget\",\n c = \"lte.cardwidget\",\n h = n.default.fn[u],\n g = \"card\",\n p = \"collapsed-card\",\n m = \"collapsing-card\",\n v = \"expanding-card\",\n _ = \"was-collapsed\",\n b = \"maximized-card\",\n y = '[data-card-widget=\"remove\"]',\n C = '[data-card-widget=\"collapse\"]',\n w = '[data-card-widget=\"maximize\"]',\n x = {\n animationSpeed: \"normal\",\n collapseTrigger: C,\n removeTrigger: y,\n maximizeTrigger: w,\n collapseIcon: \"fa-minus\",\n expandIcon: \"fa-plus\",\n maximizeIcon: \"fa-expand\",\n minimizeIcon: \"fa-compress\"\n },\n I = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._element = e, this._parent = e.parents(\".card\").first(), e.hasClass(g) && (this._parent = e), this._settings = n.default.extend({}, x, t);\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.collapse = function () {\n var e = this;\n this._parent.addClass(m).children(\".card-body, .card-footer\").slideUp(this._settings.animationSpeed, function () {\n e._parent.addClass(p).removeClass(m);\n }), this._parent.find(\"> .card-header \" + this._settings.collapseTrigger + \" .\" + this._settings.collapseIcon).addClass(this._settings.expandIcon).removeClass(this._settings.collapseIcon), this._element.trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed.lte.cardwidget\"), this._parent);\n }, t.expand = function () {\n var e = this;\n this._parent.addClass(v).children(\".card-body, .card-footer\").slideDown(this._settings.animationSpeed, function () {\n e._parent.removeClass(p).removeClass(v);\n }), this._parent.find(\"> .card-header \" + this._settings.collapseTrigger + \" .\" + this._settings.expandIcon).addClass(this._settings.collapseIcon).removeClass(this._settings.expandIcon), this._element.trigger(n.default.Event(\"expanded.lte.cardwidget\"), this._parent);\n }, t.remove = function () {\n this._parent.slideUp(), this._element.trigger(n.default.Event(\"removed.lte.cardwidget\"), this._parent);\n }, t.toggle = function () {\n this._parent.hasClass(p) ? this.expand() : this.collapse();\n }, t.maximize = function () {\n this._parent.find(this._settings.maximizeTrigger + \" .\" + this._settings.maximizeIcon).addClass(this._settings.minimizeIcon).removeClass(this._settings.maximizeIcon), this._parent.css({\n height: this._parent.height(),\n width: this._parent.width(),\n transition: \"all .15s\"\n }).delay(150).queue(function () {\n var e = n.default(this);\n e.addClass(b), n.default(\"html\").addClass(b), e.hasClass(p) && e.addClass(_), e.dequeue();\n }), this._element.trigger(n.default.Event(\"maximized.lte.cardwidget\"), this._parent);\n }, t.minimize = function () {\n this._parent.find(this._settings.maximizeTrigger + \" .\" + this._settings.minimizeIcon).addClass(this._settings.maximizeIcon).removeClass(this._settings.minimizeIcon), this._parent.css(\"cssText\", \"height: \" + this._parent[0].style.height + \" !important; width: \" + this._parent[0].style.width + \" !important; transition: all .15s;\").delay(10).queue(function () {\n var e = n.default(this);\n e.removeClass(b), n.default(\"html\").removeClass(b), e.css({\n height: \"inherit\",\n width: \"inherit\"\n }), e.hasClass(_) && e.removeClass(_), e.dequeue();\n }), this._element.trigger(n.default.Event(\"minimized.lte.cardwidget\"), this._parent);\n }, t.toggleMaximize = function () {\n this._parent.hasClass(b) ? this.minimize() : this.maximize();\n }, t._init = function (e) {\n var t = this;\n this._parent = e, n.default(this).find(this._settings.collapseTrigger).click(function () {\n t.toggle();\n }), n.default(this).find(this._settings.maximizeTrigger).click(function () {\n t.toggleMaximize();\n }), n.default(this).find(this._settings.removeTrigger).click(function () {\n t.remove();\n });\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n var a = n.default(this).data(c),\n i = n.default.extend({}, x, n.default(this).data());\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this), i), n.default(this).data(c, \"string\" == typeof t ? a : t)), \"string\" == typeof t && /collapse|expand|remove|toggle|maximize|minimize|toggleMaximize/.test(t) ? a[t]() : \"object\" == typeof t && a._init(n.default(this));\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", C, function (e) {\n e && e.preventDefault(), I._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", y, function (e) {\n e && e.preventDefault(), I._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"remove\");\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", w, function (e) {\n e && e.preventDefault(), I._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggleMaximize\");\n }), n.default.fn[u] = I._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[u].Constructor = I, n.default.fn[u].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[u] = h, I._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var T = \"ControlSidebar\",\n S = \"lte.controlsidebar\",\n j = n.default.fn[T],\n k = \".control-sidebar\",\n Q = \".control-sidebar-content\",\n H = '[data-widget=\"control-sidebar\"]',\n z = \".main-header\",\n F = \".main-footer\",\n E = \"control-sidebar-animate\",\n L = \"control-sidebar-open\",\n D = \"control-sidebar-slide-open\",\n R = \"layout-fixed\",\n A = {\n controlsidebarSlide: !0,\n scrollbarTheme: \"os-theme-light\",\n scrollbarAutoHide: \"l\",\n target: k,\n animationSpeed: 300\n },\n M = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._element = e, this._config = t;\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.collapse = function () {\n var e = this,\n t = n.default(\"body\"),\n a = n.default(\"html\");\n this._config.controlsidebarSlide ? (a.addClass(E), t.removeClass(D).delay(300).queue(function () {\n n.default(k).hide(), a.removeClass(E), n.default(this).dequeue();\n })) : t.removeClass(L), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed.lte.controlsidebar\")), setTimeout(function () {\n n.default(e._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed-done.lte.controlsidebar\"));\n }, this._config.animationSpeed);\n }, t.show = function (e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = !1);\n var t = n.default(\"body\"),\n a = n.default(\"html\");\n e && n.default(k).hide(), this._config.controlsidebarSlide ? (a.addClass(E), n.default(this._config.target).show().delay(10).queue(function () {\n t.addClass(D).delay(300).queue(function () {\n a.removeClass(E), n.default(this).dequeue();\n }), n.default(this).dequeue();\n })) : t.addClass(L), this._fixHeight(), this._fixScrollHeight(), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"expanded.lte.controlsidebar\"));\n }, t.toggle = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\"),\n t = this._config.target,\n a = !n.default(t).is(\":visible\"),\n i = e.hasClass(L) || e.hasClass(D),\n o = a && (e.hasClass(L) || e.hasClass(D));\n a || o ? this.show(a) : i && this.collapse();\n }, t._init = function () {\n var e = this,\n t = n.default(\"body\");\n t.hasClass(L) || t.hasClass(D) ? (n.default(k).not(this._config.target).hide(), n.default(this._config.target).css(\"display\", \"block\")) : n.default(k).hide(), this._fixHeight(), this._fixScrollHeight(), n.default(window).resize(function () {\n e._fixHeight(), e._fixScrollHeight();\n }), n.default(window).scroll(function () {\n var t = n.default(\"body\");\n (t.hasClass(L) || t.hasClass(D)) && e._fixScrollHeight();\n });\n }, t._isNavbarFixed = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\");\n return e.hasClass(\"layout-navbar-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-sm-navbar-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-md-navbar-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-lg-navbar-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-xl-navbar-fixed\");\n }, t._isFooterFixed = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\");\n return e.hasClass(\"layout-footer-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-sm-footer-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-md-footer-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-lg-footer-fixed\") || e.hasClass(\"layout-xl-footer-fixed\");\n }, t._fixScrollHeight = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\"),\n t = n.default(this._config.target);\n if (e.hasClass(R)) {\n var a = {\n scroll: n.default(document).height(),\n window: n.default(window).height(),\n header: n.default(z).outerHeight(),\n footer: n.default(F).outerHeight()\n },\n i = Math.abs(a.window + n.default(window).scrollTop() - a.scroll),\n o = n.default(window).scrollTop(),\n l = this._isNavbarFixed() && \"fixed\" === n.default(z).css(\"position\"),\n s = this._isFooterFixed() && \"fixed\" === n.default(F).css(\"position\"),\n r = n.default(this._config.target + \", \" + this._config.target + \" \" + Q);\n if (0 === o && 0 === i) t.css({\n bottom: a.footer,\n top: a.header\n }), r.css(\"height\", a.window - (a.header + a.footer));else if (i <= a.footer) {\n if (!1 === s) {\n var d = a.header - o;\n t.css(\"bottom\", a.footer - i).css(\"top\", d >= 0 ? d : 0), r.css(\"height\", a.window - (a.footer - i));\n } else t.css(\"bottom\", a.footer);\n } else o <= a.header ? !1 === l ? (t.css(\"top\", a.header - o), r.css(\"height\", a.window - (a.header - o))) : t.css(\"top\", a.header) : !1 === l ? (t.css(\"top\", 0), r.css(\"height\", a.window)) : t.css(\"top\", a.header);\n s && l ? (r.css(\"height\", \"100%\"), t.css(\"height\", \"\")) : (s || l) && (r.css(\"height\", \"100%\"), r.css(\"height\", \"\"));\n }\n }, t._fixHeight = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\"),\n t = n.default(this._config.target + \" \" + Q);\n if (e.hasClass(R)) {\n var a = n.default(window).height(),\n i = n.default(z).outerHeight(),\n o = n.default(F).outerHeight(),\n l = a - i;\n this._isFooterFixed() && \"fixed\" === n.default(F).css(\"position\") && (l = a - i - o), t.css(\"height\", l), \"undefined\" != typeof n.default.fn.overlayScrollbars && t.overlayScrollbars({\n className: this._config.scrollbarTheme,\n sizeAutoCapable: !0,\n scrollbars: {\n autoHide: this._config.scrollbarAutoHide,\n clickScrolling: !0\n }\n });\n } else t.attr(\"style\", \"\");\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(S),\n i = n.default.extend({}, A, n.default(this).data());\n if (a || (a = new e(this, i), n.default(this).data(S, a)), \"undefined\" === a[t]) throw new Error(t + \" is not a function\");\n a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", H, function (e) {\n e.preventDefault(), M._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default(document).ready(function () {\n M._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(H), \"_init\");\n }), n.default.fn[T] = M._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[T].Constructor = M, n.default.fn[T].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[T] = j, M._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var q = \"DirectChat\",\n O = \"lte.directchat\",\n N = n.default.fn[q],\n P = function () {\n function e(e) {\n this._element = e;\n }\n return e.prototype.toggle = function () {\n n.default(this._element).parents(\".direct-chat\").first().toggleClass(\"direct-chat-contacts-open\"), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"toggled.lte.directchat\"));\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(O);\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this)), n.default(this).data(O, a)), a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", '[data-widget=\"chat-pane-toggle\"]', function (e) {\n e && e.preventDefault(), P._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default.fn[q] = P._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[q].Constructor = P, n.default.fn[q].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[q] = N, P._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var U = \"Dropdown\",\n B = \"lte.dropdown\",\n $ = n.default.fn[U],\n J = \".dropdown-menu\",\n W = {},\n V = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._config = t, this._element = e;\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.toggleSubmenu = function () {\n this._element.siblings().show().toggleClass(\"show\"), this._element.next().hasClass(\"show\") || this._element.parents(J).first().find(\".show\").removeClass(\"show\").hide(), this._element.parents(\"li.nav-item.dropdown.show\").on(\"hidden.bs.dropdown\", function () {\n n.default(\".dropdown-submenu .show\").removeClass(\"show\").hide();\n });\n }, t.fixPosition = function () {\n var e = n.default(\".dropdown-menu.show\");\n if (0 !== e.length) {\n e.hasClass(\"dropdown-menu-right\") ? e.css({\n left: \"inherit\",\n right: 0\n }) : e.css({\n left: 0,\n right: \"inherit\"\n });\n var t = e.offset(),\n a = e.width(),\n i = n.default(window).width() - t.left;\n t.left < 0 ? e.css({\n left: \"inherit\",\n right: t.left - 5\n }) : i < a && e.css({\n left: \"inherit\",\n right: 0\n });\n }\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(B),\n i = n.default.extend({}, W, n.default(this).data());\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this), i), n.default(this).data(B, a)), \"toggleSubmenu\" !== t && \"fixPosition\" !== t || a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default('.dropdown-menu [data-toggle=\"dropdown\"]').on(\"click\", function (e) {\n e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), V._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggleSubmenu\");\n }), n.default('.navbar [data-toggle=\"dropdown\"]').on(\"click\", function (e) {\n e.preventDefault(), n.default(e.target).parent().hasClass(\"dropdown-submenu\") || setTimeout(function () {\n V._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"fixPosition\");\n }, 1);\n }), n.default.fn[U] = V._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[U].Constructor = V, n.default.fn[U].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[U] = $, V._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var G = \"ExpandableTable\",\n K = \"lte.expandableTable\",\n X = n.default.fn[G],\n Y = \".expandable-body\",\n Z = '[data-widget=\"expandable-table\"]',\n ee = \"aria-expanded\",\n te = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._options = t, this._element = e;\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.init = function () {\n n.default(Z).each(function (e, t) {\n var a = n.default(t).attr(ee),\n i = n.default(t).next(Y).children().first().children();\n \"true\" === a ? i.show() : \"false\" === a && (i.hide(), i.parent().parent().addClass(\"d-none\"));\n });\n }, t.toggleRow = function () {\n var e = this._element;\n \"TR\" !== e[0].nodeName && \"TR\" !== (e = e.parent())[0].nodeName && (e = e.parent());\n var t = e.attr(ee),\n a = e.next(Y).children().first().children();\n a.stop(), \"true\" === t ? (a.slideUp(500, function () {\n e.next(Y).addClass(\"d-none\");\n }), e.attr(ee, \"false\"), e.trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed.lte.expandableTable\"))) : \"false\" === t && (e.next(Y).removeClass(\"d-none\"), a.slideDown(500), e.attr(ee, \"true\"), e.trigger(n.default.Event(\"expanded.lte.expandableTable\")));\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(K);\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this)), n.default(this).data(K, a)), \"string\" == typeof t && /init|toggleRow/.test(t) && a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(\".expandable-table\").ready(function () {\n te._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"init\");\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", Z, function () {\n te._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggleRow\");\n }), n.default.fn[G] = te._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[G].Constructor = te, n.default.fn[G].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[G] = X, te._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var ae = \"Fullscreen\",\n ne = \"lte.fullscreen\",\n ie = n.default.fn[ae],\n oe = '[data-widget=\"fullscreen\"]',\n le = oe + \" i\",\n se = {\n minimizeIcon: \"fa-compress-arrows-alt\",\n maximizeIcon: \"fa-expand-arrows-alt\"\n },\n re = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this.element = e, this.options = n.default.extend({}, se, t);\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.toggle = function () {\n document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ? this.windowed() : this.fullscreen();\n }, t.toggleIcon = function () {\n document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ? n.default(le).removeClass(this.options.maximizeIcon).addClass(this.options.minimizeIcon) : n.default(le).removeClass(this.options.minimizeIcon).addClass(this.options.maximizeIcon);\n }, t.fullscreen = function () {\n document.documentElement.requestFullscreen ? document.documentElement.requestFullscreen() : document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen ? document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen() : document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen && document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen();\n }, t.windowed = function () {\n document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : document.webkitExitFullscreen ? document.webkitExitFullscreen() : document.msExitFullscreen && document.msExitFullscreen();\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n var a = n.default(this).data(ne);\n a || (a = n.default(this).data());\n var i = n.default.extend({}, se, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a),\n o = new e(n.default(this), i);\n n.default(this).data(ne, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a), \"string\" == typeof t && /toggle|toggleIcon|fullscreen|windowed/.test(t) ? o[t]() : o.init();\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", oe, function () {\n re._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(this), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default(document).on(\"webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange\", function () {\n re._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(oe), \"toggleIcon\");\n }), n.default.fn[ae] = re._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[ae].Constructor = re, n.default.fn[ae].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[ae] = ie, re._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var de = \"lte.iframe\",\n fe = n.default.fn.IFrame,\n ue = '[data-widget=\"iframe\"]',\n ce = '[data-widget=\"iframe-fullscreen\"]',\n he = \".content-wrapper\",\n ge = \".content-wrapper iframe\",\n pe = \".content-wrapper.iframe-mode .nav\",\n me = \".content-wrapper.iframe-mode .navbar-nav\",\n ve = me + \" .nav-item\",\n _e = me + \" .nav-link\",\n be = \".content-wrapper.iframe-mode .tab-content\",\n ye = be + \" .tab-empty\",\n Ce = be + \" .tab-loading\",\n we = be + \" .tab-pane\",\n xe = \".main-sidebar .nav-item > a.nav-link\",\n Ie = \".main-header .nav-item a.nav-link\",\n Te = \".main-header a.dropdown-item\",\n Se = \"iframe-mode\",\n je = \"iframe-mode-fullscreen\",\n ke = {\n onTabClick: function (e) {\n return e;\n },\n onTabChanged: function (e) {\n return e;\n },\n onTabCreated: function (e) {\n return e;\n },\n autoIframeMode: !0,\n autoItemActive: !0,\n autoShowNewTab: !0,\n autoDarkMode: !1,\n allowDuplicates: !1,\n allowReload: !0,\n loadingScreen: !0,\n useNavbarItems: !0,\n scrollOffset: 40,\n scrollBehaviorSwap: !1,\n iconMaximize: \"fa-expand\",\n iconMinimize: \"fa-compress\"\n },\n Qe = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._config = t, this._element = e, this._init();\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.onTabClick = function (e) {\n this._config.onTabClick(e);\n }, t.onTabChanged = function (e) {\n this._config.onTabChanged(e);\n }, t.onTabCreated = function (e) {\n this._config.onTabCreated(e);\n }, t.createTab = function (e, t, a, i) {\n var o = this,\n l = \"panel-\" + a,\n s = \"tab-\" + a;\n this._config.allowDuplicates && (l += \"-\" + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()), s += \"-\" + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()));\n var r = '' + e + \"\";\n n.default(me).append(unescape(escape(r)));\n var d = '';\n if (n.default(be).append(unescape(escape(d))), i) if (this._config.loadingScreen) {\n var f = n.default(Ce);\n f.fadeIn(), n.default(l + \" iframe\").ready(function () {\n \"number\" == typeof o._config.loadingScreen ? (o.switchTab(\"#\" + s), setTimeout(function () {\n f.fadeOut();\n }, o._config.loadingScreen)) : (o.switchTab(\"#\" + s), f.fadeOut());\n });\n } else this.switchTab(\"#\" + s);\n this.onTabCreated(n.default(\"#\" + s));\n }, t.openTabSidebar = function (e, t) {\n void 0 === t && (t = this._config.autoShowNewTab);\n var a = n.default(e).clone();\n void 0 === a.attr(\"href\") && (a = n.default(e).parent(\"a\").clone()), a.find(\".right, .search-path\").remove();\n var i = a.find(\"p\").text();\n \"\" === i && (i = a.text());\n var o = a.attr(\"href\");\n if (\"#\" !== o && \"\" !== o && void 0 !== o) {\n var l = unescape(o).replace(\"./\", \"\").replace(/[\"#&'./:=?[\\]]/gi, \"-\").replace(/(--)/gi, \"\"),\n s = \"tab-\" + l;\n if (!this._config.allowDuplicates && n.default(\"#\" + s).length > 0) return this.switchTab(\"#\" + s, this._config.allowReload);\n (!this._config.allowDuplicates && 0 === n.default(\"#\" + s).length || this._config.allowDuplicates) && this.createTab(i, o, l, t);\n }\n }, t.switchTab = function (e, t) {\n var a = this;\n void 0 === t && (t = !1);\n var i = n.default(e),\n o = i.attr(\"href\");\n if (n.default(ye).hide(), t) {\n var l = n.default(Ce);\n this._config.loadingScreen ? l.show(0, function () {\n n.default(o + \" iframe\").attr(\"src\", n.default(o + \" iframe\").attr(\"src\")).ready(function () {\n a._config.loadingScreen && (\"number\" == typeof a._config.loadingScreen ? setTimeout(function () {\n l.fadeOut();\n }, a._config.loadingScreen) : l.fadeOut());\n });\n }) : n.default(o + \" iframe\").attr(\"src\", n.default(o + \" iframe\").attr(\"src\"));\n }\n n.default(me + \" .active\").tab(\"dispose\").removeClass(\"active\"), this._fixHeight(), i.tab(\"show\"), i.parents(\"li\").addClass(\"active\"), this.onTabChanged(i), this._config.autoItemActive && this._setItemActive(n.default(o + \" iframe\").attr(\"src\"));\n }, t.removeActiveTab = function (e, t) {\n if (\"all\" == e) n.default(ve).remove(), n.default(we).remove(), n.default(ye).show();else if (\"all-other\" == e) n.default(ve + \":not(.active)\").remove(), n.default(we + \":not(.active)\").remove();else if (\"only-this\" == e) {\n var a = n.default(t),\n i = a.parent(\".nav-item\"),\n o = i.parent(),\n l = i.index(),\n s = a.siblings(\".nav-link\").attr(\"aria-controls\");\n if (i.remove(), n.default(\"#\" + s).remove(), n.default(be).children().length == n.default(ye + \", \" + Ce).length) n.default(ye).show();else {\n var r = l - 1;\n this.switchTab(o.children().eq(r).find(\"a.nav-link\"));\n }\n } else {\n var d = n.default(ve + \".active\"),\n f = d.parent(),\n u = d.index();\n if (d.remove(), n.default(we + \".active\").remove(), n.default(be).children().length == n.default(ye + \", \" + Ce).length) n.default(ye).show();else {\n var c = u - 1;\n this.switchTab(f.children().eq(c).find(\"a.nav-link\"));\n }\n }\n }, t.toggleFullscreen = function () {\n n.default(\"body\").hasClass(je) ? (n.default(ce + \" i\").removeClass(this._config.iconMinimize).addClass(this._config.iconMaximize), n.default(\"body\").removeClass(je), n.default(ye + \", \" + Ce).height(\"100%\"), n.default(he).height(\"100%\"), n.default(ge).height(\"100%\")) : (n.default(ce + \" i\").removeClass(this._config.iconMaximize).addClass(this._config.iconMinimize), n.default(\"body\").addClass(je)), n.default(window).trigger(\"resize\"), this._fixHeight(!0);\n }, t._init = function () {\n var e = n.default(be).children().length > 2;\n if (this._setupListeners(), this._fixHeight(!0), e) {\n var t = n.default(\"\" + we).first();\n console.log(t);\n var a = \"#tab-\" + t.attr(\"id\").replace(\"panel-\", \"\");\n this.switchTab(a, !0);\n }\n }, t._initFrameElement = function () {\n if (window.frameElement && this._config.autoIframeMode) {\n var e = n.default(\"body\");\n e.addClass(Se), this._config.autoDarkMode && e.addClass(\"dark-mode\");\n }\n }, t._navScroll = function (e) {\n var t = n.default(me).scrollLeft();\n n.default(me).animate({\n scrollLeft: t + e\n }, 250, \"linear\");\n }, t._setupListeners = function () {\n var e = this;\n n.default(window).on(\"resize\", function () {\n setTimeout(function () {\n e._fixHeight();\n }, 1);\n }), n.default(he).hasClass(Se) && (n.default(document).on(\"click\", xe + \", .sidebar-search-results .list-group-item\", function (t) {\n t.preventDefault(), e.openTabSidebar(t.target);\n }), this._config.useNavbarItems && n.default(document).on(\"click\", Ie + \", \" + Te, function (t) {\n t.preventDefault(), e.openTabSidebar(t.target);\n })), n.default(document).on(\"click\", _e, function (t) {\n t.preventDefault(), e.onTabClick(t.target), e.switchTab(t.target);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", _e, function (t) {\n t.preventDefault(), e.onTabClick(t.target), e.switchTab(t.target);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", '[data-widget=\"iframe-close\"]', function (t) {\n t.preventDefault();\n var a = t.target;\n \"I\" == a.nodeName && (a = t.target.offsetParent), e.removeActiveTab(a.attributes[\"data-type\"] ? a.attributes[\"data-type\"].nodeValue : null, a);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"click\", ce, function (t) {\n t.preventDefault(), e.toggleFullscreen();\n });\n var t = !1,\n a = null;\n n.default(document).on(\"mousedown\", '[data-widget=\"iframe-scrollleft\"]', function (n) {\n n.preventDefault(), clearInterval(a);\n var i = e._config.scrollOffset;\n e._config.scrollBehaviorSwap || (i = -i), t = !0, e._navScroll(i), a = setInterval(function () {\n e._navScroll(i);\n }, 250);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"mousedown\", '[data-widget=\"iframe-scrollright\"]', function (n) {\n n.preventDefault(), clearInterval(a);\n var i = e._config.scrollOffset;\n e._config.scrollBehaviorSwap && (i = -i), t = !0, e._navScroll(i), a = setInterval(function () {\n e._navScroll(i);\n }, 250);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"mouseup\", function () {\n t && (t = !1, clearInterval(a), a = null);\n });\n }, t._setItemActive = function (e) {\n n.default(xe + \", \" + Te).removeClass(\"active\"), n.default(Ie).parent().removeClass(\"active\");\n var t = n.default(Ie + '[href$=\"' + e + '\"]'),\n a = n.default('.main-header a.dropdown-item[href$=\"' + e + '\"]'),\n i = n.default(xe + '[href$=\"' + e + '\"]');\n t.each(function (e, t) {\n n.default(t).parent().addClass(\"active\");\n }), a.each(function (e, t) {\n n.default(t).addClass(\"active\");\n }), i.each(function (e, t) {\n n.default(t).addClass(\"active\"), n.default(t).parents(\".nav-treeview\").prevAll(\".nav-link\").addClass(\"active\");\n });\n }, t._fixHeight = function (e) {\n if (void 0 === e && (e = !1), n.default(\"body\").hasClass(je)) {\n var t = n.default(window).height(),\n a = n.default(pe).outerHeight();\n n.default(ye + \", \" + Ce + \", \" + ge).height(t - a), n.default(he).height(t);\n } else {\n var i = parseFloat(n.default(he).css(\"height\")),\n o = n.default(pe).outerHeight();\n 1 == e ? setTimeout(function () {\n n.default(ye + \", \" + Ce).height(i - o);\n }, 50) : n.default(ge).height(i - o);\n }\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n if (n.default(ue).length > 0) {\n var a = n.default(this).data(de);\n a || (a = n.default(this).data());\n var i = n.default.extend({}, ke, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a);\n localStorage.setItem(\"AdminLTE:IFrame:Options\", JSON.stringify(i));\n var o = new e(n.default(this), i);\n n.default(this).data(de, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a), \"string\" == typeof t && /createTab|openTabSidebar|switchTab|removeActiveTab/.test(t) && o[t]();\n } else new e(n.default(this), JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(\"AdminLTE:IFrame:Options\")))._initFrameElement();\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(window).on(\"load\", function () {\n Qe._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(ue));\n }), n.default.fn.IFrame = Qe._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn.IFrame.Constructor = Qe, n.default.fn.IFrame.noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn.IFrame = fe, Qe._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var He = \"lte.layout\",\n ze = n.default.fn.Layout,\n Fe = \".main-header\",\n Ee = \".main-sidebar\",\n Le = \".main-sidebar .sidebar\",\n De = \".main-footer\",\n Re = \"sidebar-focused\",\n Ae = {\n scrollbarTheme: \"os-theme-light\",\n scrollbarAutoHide: \"l\",\n panelAutoHeight: !0,\n panelAutoHeightMode: \"min-height\",\n preloadDuration: 200,\n loginRegisterAutoHeight: !0\n },\n Me = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._config = t, this._element = e;\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.fixLayoutHeight = function (e) {\n void 0 === e && (e = null);\n var t = n.default(\"body\"),\n a = 0;\n (t.hasClass(\"control-sidebar-slide-open\") || t.hasClass(\"control-sidebar-open\") || \"control_sidebar\" === e) && (a = n.default(\".control-sidebar-content\").outerHeight());\n var i = {\n window: n.default(window).height(),\n header: n.default(Fe).length > 0 ? n.default(Fe).outerHeight() : 0,\n footer: n.default(De).length > 0 ? n.default(De).outerHeight() : 0,\n sidebar: n.default(Le).length > 0 ? n.default(Le).height() : 0,\n controlSidebar: a\n },\n o = this._max(i),\n l = this._config.panelAutoHeight;\n !0 === l && (l = 0);\n var s = n.default(\".content-wrapper\");\n !1 !== l && (o === i.controlSidebar ? s.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode, o + l) : o === i.window ? s.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode, o + l - i.header - i.footer) : s.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode, o + l - i.header), this._isFooterFixed() && s.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode, parseFloat(s.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode)) + i.footer)), t.hasClass(\"layout-fixed\") && (\"undefined\" != typeof n.default.fn.overlayScrollbars ? n.default(Le).overlayScrollbars({\n className: this._config.scrollbarTheme,\n sizeAutoCapable: !0,\n scrollbars: {\n autoHide: this._config.scrollbarAutoHide,\n clickScrolling: !0\n }\n }) : n.default(Le).css(\"overflow-y\", \"auto\"));\n }, t.fixLoginRegisterHeight = function () {\n var e = n.default(\"body\"),\n t = n.default(\".login-box, .register-box\");\n if (e.hasClass(\"iframe-mode\")) e.css(\"height\", \"100%\"), n.default(\".wrapper\").css(\"height\", \"100%\"), n.default(\"html\").css(\"height\", \"100%\");else if (0 === t.length) e.css(\"height\", \"auto\"), n.default(\"html\").css(\"height\", \"auto\");else {\n var a = t.height();\n e.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode) !== a && e.css(this._config.panelAutoHeightMode, a);\n }\n }, t._init = function () {\n var e = this;\n this.fixLayoutHeight(), !0 === this._config.loginRegisterAutoHeight ? this.fixLoginRegisterHeight() : this._config.loginRegisterAutoHeight === parseInt(this._config.loginRegisterAutoHeight, 10) && setInterval(this.fixLoginRegisterHeight, this._config.loginRegisterAutoHeight), n.default(Le).on(\"collapsed.lte.treeview expanded.lte.treeview\", function () {\n e.fixLayoutHeight();\n }), n.default(Ee).on(\"mouseenter mouseleave\", function () {\n n.default(\"body\").hasClass(\"sidebar-collapse\") && e.fixLayoutHeight();\n }), n.default('[data-widget=\"pushmenu\"]').on(\"collapsed.lte.pushmenu shown.lte.pushmenu\", function () {\n setTimeout(function () {\n e.fixLayoutHeight();\n }, 300);\n }), n.default('[data-widget=\"control-sidebar\"]').on(\"collapsed.lte.controlsidebar\", function () {\n e.fixLayoutHeight();\n }).on(\"expanded.lte.controlsidebar\", function () {\n e.fixLayoutHeight(\"control_sidebar\");\n }), n.default(window).resize(function () {\n e.fixLayoutHeight();\n }), setTimeout(function () {\n n.default(\"body.hold-transition\").removeClass(\"hold-transition\");\n }, 50), setTimeout(function () {\n var e = n.default(\".preloader\");\n e && (e.css(\"height\", 0), setTimeout(function () {\n e.children().hide();\n }, 200));\n }, this._config.preloadDuration);\n }, t._max = function (e) {\n var t = 0;\n return Object.keys(e).forEach(function (a) {\n e[a] > t && (t = e[a]);\n }), t;\n }, t._isFooterFixed = function () {\n return \"fixed\" === n.default(De).css(\"position\");\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return void 0 === t && (t = \"\"), this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(He),\n i = n.default.extend({}, Ae, n.default(this).data());\n a || (a = new e(n.default(this), i), n.default(this).data(He, a)), \"init\" === t || \"\" === t ? a._init() : \"fixLayoutHeight\" !== t && \"fixLoginRegisterHeight\" !== t || a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(window).on(\"load\", function () {\n Me._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(\"body\"));\n }), n.default(Le + \" a\").on(\"focusin\", function () {\n n.default(Ee).addClass(Re);\n }).on(\"focusout\", function () {\n n.default(Ee).removeClass(Re);\n }), n.default.fn.Layout = Me._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn.Layout.Constructor = Me, n.default.fn.Layout.noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn.Layout = ze, Me._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var qe = \"PushMenu\",\n Oe = \"lte.pushmenu\",\n Ne = \".\" + Oe,\n Pe = n.default.fn[qe],\n Ue = '[data-widget=\"pushmenu\"]',\n Be = \"body\",\n $e = \"sidebar-collapse\",\n Je = \"sidebar-open\",\n We = \"sidebar-is-opening\",\n Ve = \"sidebar-closed\",\n Ge = {\n autoCollapseSize: 992,\n enableRemember: !1,\n noTransitionAfterReload: !0,\n animationSpeed: 300\n },\n Ke = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._element = e, this._options = n.default.extend({}, Ge, t), 0 === n.default(\"#sidebar-overlay\").length && this._addOverlay(), this._init();\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.expand = function () {\n var e = n.default(Be);\n this._options.autoCollapseSize && n.default(window).width() <= this._options.autoCollapseSize && e.addClass(Je), e.addClass(We).removeClass(\"sidebar-collapse sidebar-closed\").delay(50).queue(function () {\n e.removeClass(We), n.default(this).dequeue();\n }), this._options.enableRemember && localStorage.setItem(\"remember\" + Ne, Je), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"shown.lte.pushmenu\"));\n }, t.collapse = function () {\n var e = this,\n t = n.default(Be);\n this._options.autoCollapseSize && n.default(window).width() <= this._options.autoCollapseSize && t.removeClass(Je).addClass(Ve), t.addClass($e), this._options.enableRemember && localStorage.setItem(\"remember\" + Ne, $e), n.default(this._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed.lte.pushmenu\")), setTimeout(function () {\n n.default(e._element).trigger(n.default.Event(\"collapsed-done.lte.pushmenu\"));\n }, this._options.animationSpeed);\n }, t.toggle = function () {\n n.default(Be).hasClass($e) ? this.expand() : this.collapse();\n }, t.autoCollapse = function (e) {\n if (void 0 === e && (e = !1), this._options.autoCollapseSize) {\n var t = n.default(Be);\n n.default(window).width() <= this._options.autoCollapseSize ? t.hasClass(Je) || this.collapse() : !0 === e && (t.hasClass(Je) ? t.removeClass(Je) : t.hasClass(Ve) && this.expand());\n }\n }, t.remember = function () {\n if (this._options.enableRemember) {\n var e = n.default(\"body\");\n localStorage.getItem(\"remember\" + Ne) === $e ? this._options.noTransitionAfterReload ? e.addClass(\"hold-transition\").addClass($e).delay(50).queue(function () {\n n.default(this).removeClass(\"hold-transition\"), n.default(this).dequeue();\n }) : e.addClass($e) : this._options.noTransitionAfterReload ? e.addClass(\"hold-transition\").removeClass($e).delay(50).queue(function () {\n n.default(this).removeClass(\"hold-transition\"), n.default(this).dequeue();\n }) : e.removeClass($e);\n }\n }, t._init = function () {\n var e = this;\n this.remember(), this.autoCollapse(), n.default(window).resize(function () {\n e.autoCollapse(!0);\n });\n }, t._addOverlay = function () {\n var e = this,\n t = n.default(\"\", {\n id: \"sidebar-overlay\"\n });\n t.on(\"click\", function () {\n e.collapse();\n }), n.default(\".wrapper\").append(t);\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(Oe),\n i = n.default.extend({}, Ge, n.default(this).data());\n a || (a = new e(this, i), n.default(this).data(Oe, a)), \"string\" == typeof t && /collapse|expand|toggle/.test(t) && a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", Ue, function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var t = e.currentTarget;\n \"pushmenu\" !== n.default(t).data(\"widget\") && (t = n.default(t).closest(Ue)), Ke._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(t), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default(window).on(\"load\", function () {\n Ke._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(Ue));\n }), n.default.fn[qe] = Ke._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[qe].Constructor = Ke, n.default.fn[qe].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[qe] = Pe, Ke._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var Xe = \"SidebarSearch\",\n Ye = \"lte.sidebar-search\",\n Ze = n.default.fn[Xe],\n et = \"sidebar-search-open\",\n tt = \"fa-search\",\n at = \"fa-times\",\n nt = \"sidebar-search-results\",\n it = \"list-group\",\n ot = '[data-widget=\"sidebar-search\"]',\n lt = ot + \" .form-control\",\n st = ot + \" .btn\",\n rt = st + \" i\",\n dt = \".sidebar-search-results\",\n ft = \".sidebar-search-results .list-group\",\n ut = {\n arrowSign: \"->\",\n minLength: 3,\n maxResults: 7,\n highlightName: !0,\n highlightPath: !1,\n highlightClass: \"text-light\",\n notFoundText: \"No element found!\"\n },\n ct = [],\n ht = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this.element = e, this.options = n.default.extend({}, ut, t), this.items = [];\n }\n var a = e.prototype;\n return a.init = function () {\n var e = this;\n 0 !== n.default(ot).length && (0 === n.default(ot).next(dt).length && n.default(ot).after(n.default(\"\", {\n class: nt\n })), 0 === n.default(dt).children(\".list-group\").length && n.default(dt).append(n.default(\"\", {\n class: it\n })), this._addNotFound(), n.default(\".main-sidebar .nav-sidebar\").children().each(function (t, a) {\n e._parseItem(a);\n }));\n }, a.search = function () {\n var e = this,\n t = n.default(lt).val().toLowerCase();\n if (t.length < this.options.minLength) return n.default(ft).empty(), this._addNotFound(), void this.close();\n var a = ct.filter(function (e) {\n return e.name.toLowerCase().includes(t);\n }),\n i = n.default(a.slice(0, this.options.maxResults));\n n.default(ft).empty(), 0 === i.length ? this._addNotFound() : i.each(function (t, a) {\n n.default(ft).append(e._renderItem(escape(a.name), encodeURI(a.link), a.path));\n }), this.open();\n }, a.open = function () {\n n.default(ot).parent().addClass(et), n.default(rt).removeClass(tt).addClass(at);\n }, a.close = function () {\n n.default(ot).parent().removeClass(et), n.default(rt).removeClass(at).addClass(tt);\n }, a.toggle = function () {\n n.default(ot).parent().hasClass(et) ? this.close() : this.open();\n }, a._parseItem = function (e, t) {\n var a = this;\n if (void 0 === t && (t = []), !n.default(e).hasClass(\"nav-header\")) {\n var i = {},\n o = n.default(e).clone().find(\"> .nav-link\"),\n l = n.default(e).clone().find(\"> .nav-treeview\"),\n s = o.attr(\"href\"),\n r = o.find(\"p\").children().remove().end().text();\n if (i.name = this._trimText(r), i.link = s, i.path = t, 0 === l.length) ct.push(i);else {\n var d = i.path.concat([i.name]);\n l.children().each(function (e, t) {\n a._parseItem(t, d);\n });\n }\n }\n }, a._trimText = function (e) {\n return t.trim(e.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm, \" \"));\n }, a._renderItem = function (e, t, a) {\n var i = this;\n if (a = a.join(\" \" + this.options.arrowSign + \" \"), e = unescape(e), t = decodeURI(t), this.options.highlightName || this.options.highlightPath) {\n var o = n.default(lt).val().toLowerCase(),\n l = new RegExp(o, \"gi\");\n this.options.highlightName && (e = e.replace(l, function (e) {\n return '' + e + \"\";\n })), this.options.highlightPath && (a = a.replace(l, function (e) {\n return '' + e + \"\";\n }));\n }\n var s = n.default(\"\", {\n href: decodeURIComponent(t),\n class: \"list-group-item\"\n }),\n r = n.default(\"\", {\n class: \"search-title\"\n }).html(e),\n d = n.default(\"\", {\n class: \"search-path\"\n }).html(a);\n return s.append(r).append(d), s;\n }, a._addNotFound = function () {\n n.default(ft).append(this._renderItem(this.options.notFoundText, \"#\", []));\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n var a = n.default(this).data(Ye);\n a || (a = n.default(this).data());\n var i = n.default.extend({}, ut, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a),\n o = new e(n.default(this), i);\n n.default(this).data(Ye, \"object\" == typeof t ? t : a), \"string\" == typeof t && /init|toggle|close|open|search/.test(t) ? o[t]() : o.init();\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", st, function (e) {\n e.preventDefault(), ht._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(ot), \"toggle\");\n }), n.default(document).on(\"keyup\", lt, function (e) {\n return 38 == e.keyCode ? (e.preventDefault(), void n.default(ft).children().last().focus()) : 40 == e.keyCode ? (e.preventDefault(), void n.default(ft).children().first().focus()) : void setTimeout(function () {\n ht._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(ot), \"search\");\n }, 100);\n }), n.default(document).on(\"keydown\", ft, function (e) {\n var t = n.default(\":focus\");\n 38 == e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), t.is(\":first-child\") ? t.siblings().last().focus() : t.prev().focus()), 40 == e.keyCode && (e.preventDefault(), t.is(\":last-child\") ? t.siblings().first().focus() : t.next().focus());\n }), n.default(window).on(\"load\", function () {\n ht._jQueryInterface.call(n.default(ot), \"init\");\n }), n.default.fn[Xe] = ht._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[Xe].Constructor = ht, n.default.fn[Xe].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[Xe] = Ze, ht._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var gt = \"NavbarSearch\",\n pt = \"lte.navbar-search\",\n mt = n.default.fn[gt],\n vt = '[data-widget=\"navbar-search\"]',\n _t = \".form-control\",\n bt = \"navbar-search-open\",\n yt = {\n resetOnClose: !0,\n target: \".navbar-search-block\"\n },\n Ct = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._element = e, this._config = n.default.extend({}, yt, t);\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.open = function () {\n n.default(this._config.target).css(\"display\", \"flex\").hide().fadeIn().addClass(bt), n.default(this._config.target + \" \" + _t).focus();\n }, t.close = function () {\n n.default(this._config.target).fadeOut().removeClass(bt), this._config.resetOnClose && n.default(this._config.target + \" \" + _t).val(\"\");\n }, t.toggle = function () {\n n.default(this._config.target).hasClass(bt) ? this.close() : this.open();\n }, e._jQueryInterface = function (t) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var a = n.default(this).data(pt),\n i = n.default.extend({}, yt, n.default(this).data());\n if (a || (a = new e(this, i), n.default(this).data(pt, a)), !/toggle|close|open/.test(t)) throw new Error(\"Undefined method \" + t);\n a[t]();\n });\n }, e;\n }();\n n.default(document).on(\"click\", vt, function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var t = n.default(e.currentTarget);\n \"navbar-search\" !== t.data(\"widget\") && (t = t.closest(vt)), Ct._jQueryInterface.call(t, \"toggle\");\n }), n.default.fn[gt] = Ct._jQueryInterface, n.default.fn[gt].Constructor = Ct, n.default.fn[gt].noConflict = function () {\n return n.default.fn[gt] = mt, Ct._jQueryInterface;\n };\n var wt = n.default.fn.Toasts,\n xt = \"topRight\",\n It = \"topLeft\",\n Tt = \"bottomRight\",\n St = \"bottomLeft\",\n jt = {\n position: xt,\n fixed: !0,\n autohide: !1,\n autoremove: !0,\n delay: 1e3,\n fade: !0,\n icon: null,\n image: null,\n imageAlt: null,\n imageHeight: \"25px\",\n title: null,\n subtitle: null,\n close: !0,\n body: null,\n class: null\n },\n kt = function () {\n function e(e, t) {\n this._config = t, this._prepareContainer(), n.default(\"body\").trigger(n.default.Event(\"init.lte.toasts\"));\n }\n var t = e.prototype;\n return t.create = function () {\n var e = n.default('');\n e.data(\"autohide\", this._config.autohide), e.data(\"animation\", this._config.fade), this._config.class && e.addClass(this._config.class), this._config.delay && 500 != this._config.delay && e.data(\"delay\", this._config.delay);\n var t = n.default('